Irena Salina: Thanks for the Documentary

Filmmaker Irena Salina has created an amazingly powerful documentary film entitled “FLOW: For the Love of Water,” which debuted at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival and has since won the International Jury Prize at the Mumbai International Film Festival, as well as Best Documentary honors at both the Vail International Film Festival and the United Nations Association Film Festival. Within the past several weeks, I saw the film on the Sundance Channel, and I want to encourage as many people as possible to see it. If interested, you can order the film on DVD by visiting this link.

Extremely thoughtful and well-produced, “FLOW” dramatically investigates what experts cite as the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st century: the world water crisis. Having earned rave reviews from most major media outlets and leading authorities, over the course of 93 minutes, “FLOW” builds the case against the growing privatization of the world’s dwindling fresh water supply, with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel. Together with some very powerful and thought-provoking vignettes combining live-action cinematography with animation, interviews with scientists and activists point up the rapidly building crisis. Beyond identifying the sources of the problems, “FLOW” also focuses on people and institutions providing practical solutions.

As part of DocuWeek(tm) Theatrical Documentary Showcase, IDA produced this Q&A with Irena and her colleagues behind the film. Producer Steven Starr says,

“It’s our hope that even by people thinking about it we can create attention and awareness.”

The film is available here.

4 thoughts on “Irena Salina: Thanks for the Documentary

  1. Amazing program – I watched last night. This program has really opened my eyes and I will let as many people know as I can to watch it themselves. What is this world coming to? Programs like this really make you think.

  2. Hey there Mate: Nice site. Some interesting and informative articles man 🙂 I know, I am creeping,lol. I hope can produce something like this myself one day….

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