Stepping on stage

I’ve never pictured myself performing in front of a live audience. After all, I’m not an actor, musician, or lecturer (not yet anyway). However, last week in Nashville, my perspective was turned on its head. In this case, the stage was the Frist Center and the performers (if I can call them that) were two authors focused on creative service firms, David C. Baker and Blair Enns. They spoke of the dynamics of successful relationships between firms and their clients or prospects. Most importantly, when initiating new business.

There we were, 100 of the top creative people from around the country, learning that we need to demonstrate our expertise and get paid for the value we provide to our clients. Seems obvious doesn’t it? Well let me tell you, I have a new perspective on what it means to present your firm to prospective clients. You might say I need to improve my act and treat every presentation as a musician might treat the stage – with a renewed confidence in our ability to bring value to our audience.

I can’t wait to get back on stage!

Guest post courtesy of Steve Evans of Juggernaut Design.
8321 East Evans Road, Suite 101
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA
480-948-3700 voice
480-948-1094 fax

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