Last month, Adult Swim aired “Let’s Do This!” — a new live-action comedy pilot created and produced by Bob Odenkirk, Brian Jarvis and Jim Freeman. Among many well-known comedic talents, the show stars Odenkirk as Cal McKenzie-Goldberg, who runs independent movie studio Cal-Gold Pictures from a strip mall in North Hollywood, USA. In the show’s pilot, Cal is contracted by a drug lord in Uganda to make a wizard movie, with hilarious results. By visiting this link, you can watch – and even embed – the entire show.
Show co-writer Jim Freeman is a close friend of Thornberg & Forester (T&F) principal Scott Matz, who as a big fan of Odenkirk, jumped at the chance to create the show’s main title sequence.
“Bob is a comedic genius who we’ve come to know and love through his writing for shows like Saturday Night Live, Dennis Miller, Ben Stiller, his acting on Larry Sanders, his groundbreaking work with David Cross on Mr. Show with Bob and David, and so much more, including his current work on Breaking Bad,” Matz said. “The title sequence for ‘Let’s Do This’ was designed to be perfectly campy and low-budget in style, and we’re very proud to see it lead-off an amazing, hilarious program that is bound to become a fan favorite.”
Asked about the contributions from T&F to his new show, Odenkirk waxed sentimental. “Really, more people should hire them to create main titles and stuff like that,” he said, adding, “They’re brilliant.”