Inspiration for life: Toys and stories

How many people out there feel like the blockbuster Pixar series “Toy Story” relates to them, and their own experiences as youths playing with toy cowboys and astronauts? You can certainly count me among them, and of course I know that Woody is meant to be Johnny West, and at least to me, Buzz is G.I. Joe. Those two men were my constant companions when I was a young boy, especially after my older brother had gone off to school. They inspired my imagination and brought adventures to life that are permanently etched in my memory banks. With time, I have come to see that this treasure trove of wonder and endless possibilities represented by the toys of my youth is something of a universal phenomenon.

For example, by viewing the video above, you can learn about the toys that inspired some of the top speakers from recent FITC Events. I was equally fascinated by the subject matter presented in Nick Fancher’s Fstoppers “Interview with “Toy Stories” Photographer Gabriele Galimberti.” Check out the story to view photographer Gabriele Galimberti‘s photo series “Toy Stories” wherein children from around the world pose with their favorite toys.

What’s your toy story?

1 thought on “Inspiration for life: Toys and stories

  1. You are taking me back with this theme and article! For what seemed like “forever” when I was young, my fascination was Barbie, and there were a lot of adventures for her and her friends in a toy RV I received as a Christmas gift. It got a little wild when my neighbors introduced their “Big Jim” character – but it all ended well as Barbie remained bold and independent… just like me and the way I’ve turned out. Thanks for the trip down memory lane RD!

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