International Women’s Day 2025

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. For 2025, organizers have focused on the critical idea of accelerating action for gender equality.

Focusing on the need to Accelerate Action emphasizes the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality. It calls for increased momentum and urgency in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres.

Today, I invite you to visit this site – – where you can better understand how, together, we can speed up the rate of progress worldwide.

With well over a century of history and change, the first International Women’s Day (IWD) was held in March 1911. IWD isn’t country, group or organization specific. It’s a day of collective global activism and celebration that belongs to all those committed to forging women’s equality. Let’s all help fight the good fight. All IWD activity is valid, that’s what makes IWD so inclusive. Join in and make IWD your day by doing what you can to support and advance women. For even more resources and ideas, visit

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