Moving Forward: Water Day is Every Day

As I write these words connecting to this year’s worldwide efforts commemorating World Water Day, I’m already thinking ahead to the 2016 edition. That’s because of a story I just read in Inhabitat making the case that California – which according to the LA Times is experiencing its warmest winter in at least 120 years – may have only a single year of water left. When I’ve focused on this event in the past, difficulties arising around the world’s supply of clean water have seemed much further away from touching my way of life. Clearly, water conservation and its management need to be priorities for us all.

Of course, research already tells us that 750 million people lack access to safe water, and that every minute, at least one child dies due to water-related illness. Whether you’re concerned about the issues being faced by people in America or in other parts of the world, you may be wondering what you can do to help.

This year, the nonprofit organization is calling for people to celebrate World Water Day by embracing this idea: Every day needs to be water day. You can visit to learn how you can get involved and help transform lives through safe water.

Also, the nonprofit group charity: water makes it super easy to start your own thoughtful, impactful campaign. For clean water, might you be willing to host a garage sale, sell t-shirts, dye your hair blue, bake cookies, take photos, lose weight, shave your head, or make a music video? I promise that you will be inspired and empowered to put ideas like this into effect if you follow this link:

I believe that access to clean water is a basic human right, and that we all need to be part of developing solutions to ensure that everyone has access to it. I sincerely hope you’ll join this cause, one way or another.

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