Much love to and from The Children’s Playhouse

A creative play space for families, and a powerful force for community goodness in Boone, North Carolina, USA

After helping my wife Beth Darnell, and her sister Ann Kiefert, their comrade Kathy Parham, and many others from our then-new hometown of Boone, North Carolina, open The Children’s Playhouse in November of 2002, I am very proud to see how Kathy has led the venture in countless ways which continue adding precious dimensions to our community. The video featured here was produced by our friend Beth Jacquot in 2003, and much has happened since then. I invite you to visit the official site and explore the Facebook group, and I also wanted to share news from a recent event that reveals a lot about our community, and Kathy.

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Start cultivating your creativity right now…

Over the past two years, I began a little family tradition which has paid off for me personally with some pretty great dividends. My wife’s family gets together during the year-end holidays in the lovely Isle of Palms area of Charleston, South Carolina. In the nearby town of Mount Pleasant, I have discovered a Goodwill store, and for the past two years, I have shopped in the book section and picked out books for each of those staying with us. Last year, for myself, I selected a water-damaged copy of a book that seemed vaguely familiar, written by Julia Cameron and entitled “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.

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Creative Entrepreneurs: David Bouck

While attending the Boards Summit last October, I had the pleasure of meeting David Bouck (IMDB, LinkedIn), a veteran producer working in commercials, television and feature films. David is the founder and executive producer of Means of Production in Vancouver, a production services company specializing in television commercial production and still photography servicing all of Canada. After recently sending me his latest company reel (featured above), I peppered him with questions which he has kindly answered below.

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Southern California welcomes A Nice Set

Inhouse Creative in Venice, California, is the creative agency for S.L.A.T.E., the progressive streetwear section of the famous MAGIC fashion tradeshow held twice yearly (next one is Feb. 16-18) in Las Vegas. On behalf of my clients at creative studio We Are Plus, it’s my sincere pleasure to thank the Inhouse team for organizing the Pop-Up Shop @ AK1511 and hosting A Nice Set for its U.S. debut. Since 2008, this acclaimed DJ slipmat art exhibition has attracted taste-making crowds in Tokyo, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, Madrid, Melbourne, Singapore, and Shanghai. The exhibition will now run through Jan. 17 at AK11 in Venice, featuring unique retail pop-up stores for Orisue, Aerial7 and 9Five open every day (Mon-Sat 11AM-7PM, Sun 11AM-4PM).

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Lessons on professionalism, persistence and “Endurance” from artist Theresa Ortolani

Two years ago, I attended a publishing workshop hosted by Kiki Bauer, senior designer for powerHouse Books, at the powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn. Six of us attended, each eager to discuss our very specific idea for a brilliantly conceived, beautiful and riveting coffee-table book like those famously published by powerHouse. Theresa, Lori, Brad, Debra, John-Michael and I all presented our pet projects to Kiki on that day, and I’ll bet the rest of our classmates are as proud as I am to see that Theresa has persevered in seeing hers through, and getting it into print: “Endurance” published by powerHouse Books, is now available for purchase. In fact, the official launch party is happening at powerHouse Arena on Thurs., Dec. 3. More information on Theresa Ortolani, “Endurance” and this very cool upcoming event follow below.

Read moreLessons on professionalism, persistence and “Endurance” from artist Theresa Ortolani

Joining in honoring Veterans today and tomorrow…

In my humble opinion, has been doing an outstanding job of promoting its very important mission and inciting us all to consider volunteering to support members of the military who have done so much for us all through their military commitments. The above public service announcement (PSA) was released back in September, and I wanted to share it, and also include its transcript.

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Brought to you by deep love and appreciation for local libraries

Growing up in Illinois, Tennessee, and Florida, I am extremely indebted to many local libraries and librarians who helped encourage me to learn and grow as an individual. This week’s posting is short and sweet, inviting you to visit the American Library Association’s great site where you can learn a lot about local libraries … Read moreBrought to you by deep love and appreciation for local libraries

Honorable Murray Silver, on Rev. Martin Luther “Daddy” King, Senior

My dear friend, the Honorable Murray Silver, Esquire, was recorded during a June 2008 presentation for students and faculty of Hilton Head Preparatory School, honoring Rev. Martin Luther “Daddy” King, Senior. A world-famous trial lawyer, former Atlanta Municipal Court Judge and long-serving advisor to the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Non-Violent Social Change, Mr. Silver had a close personal friendship with Daddy King that lasted for many years, and intertwines their fates to this very day.

Read moreHonorable Murray Silver, on Rev. Martin Luther “Daddy” King, Senior