Scion’s moving story…

The evolving brand campaign from Scion and its creative agency of record ATTIK debuted in late September, and the newest facet entitled Motivate launched last week. Motivate presents young self-starters in the creative arts community with opportunities to achieve their dreams by winning personal business mentors, up to $10,000 and Scion vehicles. Full contest rules and details are now available at

“Ten years ago, the forward-looking people behind Scion gave us the opportunity to help them learn from, and impact the lives of, new generations of self-starters,” said Simon Needham, ATTIK’s co-founder and executive creative director, who has also directed most of the Scion TV and cinema spots over the years, including the newest ones. “They set out to offer quality vehicles that allow drivers to express their personalities and lifestyles while also being affordable, and they also made real commitments to fostering and supporting people who follow their passions.

“In many ways, I feel like I was the first of the young creative people to benefit from Scion’s unique values,” Needham continued. “With each new step and each new person reached or impacted, everyone at ATTIK takes great pride in being part of Scion’s phenomenal story as it continues to evolve.”

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