Great to know: Steven Masur

Exactly twenty-two years ago, during my employment with Ivan Tors Entertainment, I was hunkered down writing my first screenplay, which was for “Flipper: The Movie.” Delivered early in January, 1992, that script helped the firm move forward in all of its development discussions, and I was given a small sum and a contract stating that the majority of my compensation as the screenwriter was contingent upon the film being made.

Years later when the investment group we’d dealt with at ITE was successful in producing “Flipper,” I decided to look into my rights and try to get paid (though they did not use my script, that was not a stipulation of my contract). This 1996-era quest brought me into contact with entertainment attorney Steven Masur and his firm MasurLaw in New York City. As things worked out, I did not have the patience nor funds to pursue the investment group for payment, but the experience was extremely worthwhile if only for the fact that I met and retained Steven, and over the years that followed, received the benefit of his expert counsel on many projects I was involved with.

Steven Masur, with his 30 years of pioneering experience in emerging industries, is not only a skilled lawyer but also a captivating professional speaker. His expertise spans a remarkable range from blockchain and the metaverse (web3) to mobile and social media (web2), and further into the realms of internet, advertising, gaming (web1), and entertainment.

Steven also serves a variety of corporate and nonprofit boards and industry associations, he regularly lectures and writes about major issues in venture capital, emerging businesses, entertainment law, technology and corporate strategy. To learn more, please visit

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