“Off Camera” enters year three of the best conversations

It’s been a year since I last spoke with the acclaimed photographer and director Sam Jones, who is the publisher, host and editor-in-chief of the Off Camera website, magazine, TV show and podcast. Sam launched his on-camera interview series in 2013 with these words: “…as much as I have tried to create a multi-platform technologically relevant episodic blogpodzine, I am really just using new tools to do the same thing I have always done; which is follow my interests, and try to get in the room with some really interesting people.” Last February, I published a story about Off Camera’s first anniversary, and Sam surprised me with a call to touch-base. That connection with such a respected and accomplished artist inspires me every day.

Over the past 12 months, new print/iPod issues and episodes of Off Camera have appeared with these fascinating guests… all sharing insights from in-depth conversations with Sam, who is their trusted friend: Michael B. Jordan, Sarah Silverman, Matt Damon, Ed Helms, Jackson Browne, Judy Greer, Jeff Bridges, Taylor Goldsmith, Laird Hamilton and Jon Brion. Sam’s thoughtful Off Camera theme builds on his experiences working with high-profile luminaries… where they would regularly discuss various subjects, including their work. The best conversations were happening off-camera, Sam observed… and this passion project is the result.

In the first issue’s editor’s letter, Sam wrote, “As I look over the first issue of Off Camera, I am reminded that in this new media world, where we are constantly told to be flexible, to brand ourselves and create scalable business models, produce content, embrace social media, explore sustainable business models, and interact with new technology, I am still pretty much obsessed with the same things I was when I would sit on the floor in [his older cousin] Moe’s bedroom and thumb through his magazine collection.

As you can see in the highlights from the growing Off Camera collection – which also features Val McCallum, John Krasinski, Blake Mills, Aimee Mann, Robert Downey Jr., Tony Hawk, Dave Grohl, Judd Apatow, Laura Dern, Stacy Peralta, Martin Short, and Will Forte – these conversations showcase a great number of premiere talents. Thanks to Sam Jones, we all have a lot of opportunities to learn from them all. Subscribe and support Off Camera online at http://offcamera.com and tune-in on DIRECTV here.

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