Sharing secrets: Venture capitalist Charlie O’Donnell

I love finding people who are so successful in business that I learn great deals and become inspired just by reading their blogs and following them on social media. A few years ago when I was getting up-to-speed for a new client based in Brooklyn, I learned about venture capitalist Charlie O’Donnell, who founded the seed-stage investment firm Brooklyn Bridge Ventures in 2012. I’ve been doing my best to keep up with Charlie ever since! Here’s an introduction to his background from his personal This Is Going to be Big blog, where he’s been writing about sales, hiring, the venture business, startup communities and New York in his very straightforward, no-BS style for over 10 years.

Charlie is a partner at Brooklyn Bridge Ventures working on very early stage investments in the Greater Brooklyn area, which also includes Manhattan and the other boroughs of New York City. He was previously with First Round Capital, where he sourced the firm’s investments in GroupMe (sold to Skype), Backupify, chloe + isabel, Refinery29, Docracy, Singleplatform, and Salescrunch. Founder of nextNY, New York’s largest independent innovation community group, the Alley Insider voted Charlie one of the 100 Most Influential People in New York Technology for three consecutive years.

In NYC’s venture capital and startup communities, Charlie’s roles have ranged from institutional fund investor to venture capitalist to entrepreneur. Here are eight articles where he passes along some of his hard-won secrets, starting with his most recent interview with VentureBeat.
. This New York VC wants you to know the two secrets to getting his money
. Venture capitalist’s advice to entrepreneurs at NJ Tech Meetup: Show me how I’ll make millions
. Five Tips for Getting PR for Your Startup
. Never ask for “Just 5 Minutes!”
. Invest in Karma for Above Market Returns
. Charlie O’Donnell: Here’s How To Get Buzz Like Uber And Turntable
. The Complete Guide to Venture Capital Firms in NYC
. Brooklyn Bridge Ventures Now Funding Early-Stage Startups in NYC

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