Celebrating the late, great DUMBO Arts Festival

Back in 1997, a very ambitious dream came to life at the hands of Joy Glidden and Tyson Daugherty, who were residents of the DUMBO or Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass area of Brooklyn. Thanks to their dedication, the first D.U.M.B.O. Art Under the Bridge Festival kicked-off, using the neighborhood’s unique urban landscape and its gifted occupants to vibrantly showcase new art and ideas. Since then, the highly successful event has been presented every year in late September, thanks to Glidden and Daugherty’s stewardship via the DUMBO Arts Center through 2009, and thanks to Two Trees Management Company since then.

While the DUMBO Arts Festival grew to welcome more than 200,000 visitors each year for its eclectic and popular mix of film screenings, live music, fashion shows, performances, open studios and arts-centered activities for all agees, from all appearances, its time has now passed. The event’s official website http://dumboartsfestival.com refers to the festival’s closure after 2014.

“What began as a spontaneous celebration of artists working in their studios developed into a highly anticipated annual event that was instrumental in establishing DUMBO as the strong arts community that it is today. The spirit of the festival lives on with the artists, galleries, and cultural groups that make DUMBO a destination for art year round.”

With gratitude to everyone who participated in the festival over the years and especially those who made it possible year in and out, I hope you will enjoy the compilation of videos presented here… and that more greatness may yet rise from the ashes of this phenonemal enterprise. Long live the DUMBO Arts Festival.

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