Sharing Secrets: Prioritize, Maximize, and Rise, Through Science

Hard pressed for time? Me, too. Maybe that’s the reason why it seems to be getting harder and harder to be productive. Working in the Creative Industry as I do, too often, each nudge forward is met with two new delays. Making progress is definitely possible, but the battle to be successful is constant, even for those of us who are adept at being agile and persevering at scale.

By and large, my clients create premium content… which is mostly audiovisual data of the highest caliber. Luckily for us, the market for this premier subject matter is on the rise in countless ways. For me in my role as a press agent – which spans strategic marketing, writing, artistic development of premium audiovisual content, cross-channel marketing leadership, media relations and customer service expertise – even despite abundant complications, the means of marketing are becoming more refined.

To help us all focus and succeed in the time we have to work with, here are five innovative Creative Industry ideas aimed at optimizing our energy and efficiency.

Tap Free Advice from Leading Experts
Will Twitter be around in two years? I say of course, but skepticism abounds. Nevertheless, right now we all have access to the mesmerizing real-time search engine that is fed by over 310 million active users, including 83% of mobile users. Among them are the people, media and organizations that most influence America’s business analysts. The following story highlights a free report that identifies the most widely followed technology writers and analysts on Twitter, as well as the “must read” media Twitter accounts. Use it to connect to the world’s brightest brains.

. Influencing the influencers: Where tech industry analysts look for expertise and information, Aug. 5, 2016

Embrace Social Curation
The next two articles extol the virtues of adopting the creative use of Content Creation to: (1) leverage media coverage; (2) tap into genuine customer activities; and (3) deftly tie into active dialogues. Versus spending large amounts of time creating original content, these types of activities can effectively leverage social networks to increase brand visibility, thought leadership, web traffic and buyer engagement.

. Why Social Curation Is The Next BIG Thing, Aug. 22, 2016
. 5 Tips for a Successful Social Curation Campaign, Aug. 16, 2016

Adopt Smart Multichannel Marketing
Some also say that offline media (for example, print, television, outdoor advertising) is dying, but by doing our homework, we find that the most successful companies are looking closely at the opportunities presented by every viable platform with considerable reach, choosing the best ones for their particular audiences and objectives, and then customizing their uses to maximize them. From the Fluent survey results published in May – The More Channels the Better for Marketers:

“…consumers who are reached through a greater number of channels make in-store and online purchases from their favorite retailers more frequently…” As another example of using multiple audience touchpoints, the same survey indicates that the effectiveness of social media and email newsletters increases dramatically when they are paired together. “Seventy-eight percent of respondents who engage with their favorite retailer via Twitter and email make purchases at least once per week. Purchase rates resulting from email newsletters combined with other social platforms include Instagram (68%), Facebook (58%), and watched video (56%).”

Just Be Real
Here’s another illuminating quick read that can help us focus on using social media effectively, and streamlining its use in business. Aja Frost offers current tips on intelligently interfacing with influencers, social media policymaking, the best types of posts to share, and avoiding some tactics whose times have passed.

. 5 Old School Social Media Tactics That Are No Longer Effective (And What To Do Instead), June 8, 2016

This recent article from Carolyn Liu has gotten a lot of attention. For anyone who keeps all of their calendar information in one place, she suggests coming up with a second one that’s used to collect information on all the events that can be considered optional. Perhaps by applying this sorting tactic, all of us can reveal some free time that’s been hiding in plain sight. Golf, anyone?

. The Simple Calendar Trick That Made My Life So Much More Manageable, Aug. 16, 2016

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