Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive MarCom Tips, Week of 13 April

I’ve written a book over the past few years, aiming to teach others to be highly skilled communications consultants, capable of making invaluable contributions to those they serve, with the ability to live, work and thrive almost anywhere. Thankfully, that research and writing has fortified my job qualifications; suddenly, being successful is infinitely more challenging. Regardless of our experience and skill levels, right now, we all need leaders we can trust to help ground our thoughts and guide our actions.

Whether or not your job is officially considered “essential,” each of us must spirit onward in this new order, to protect our livelihoods, families and communities. Here are five articles offering vital information that can boost your knowledge and ensure your actions reflect expert advice.

1. How Do You See the Post-Pandemic Future?

Among his many accolades, Shelly Palmer is a luminary business advisor and technology consultant. His blog posts, podcasts and other media contributions are renowned. Ten weeks ago, he asked us all how we see the future, using some of his own keen observations as building blocks to lead the discussion. In this new article, he admits that most of his theses are now irrelevant. Analyzing the differences, he encourages us all to design the future we wish to live in.

2. Why You Should Watch Andrew Cuomo’s Daily Press Conference. Every Day.

Entrepreneur Magazine contributor Gene Marks is a CPA, as well as being the owner of technology and financial consulting firm The Marks Group PC. He offers those of us focusing on communications some outstanding advice in the headline of this article, and in its subhead: “It’s not about politics; it’s about communications.”

3. DECK: After the Triage, How Do You Prepare for Life on the Other Side?

I mentioned my reverence for Blair Enns last week. We met through his work alongside David C. Baker, a highly accomplished publisher and author, and the principal of the management consulting firm ReCourses. Some of my book’s best content owes much to both gentlemen. David has also leapt into action in the past weeks, demonstrating exactly what it means to “be helpful.” Access his latest webinar to increase chances for success, now and in the future.

4. Content Plays Various Roles in Brands’ Customer Engagement Strategies

Many thought leaders point to customer engagement as the single most critical business objective. Based on the CMO Council’s recent study into connections between content marketing and customer flow, Marketing Charts broke out the most pivotal findings for marketing leaders from B2B, B2C and hybrid organizations. Some of their many fascinating insights populate the chart embedded above.

5. Is Producing Virtual Events in Your Future?

Like New York’s Governor Cuomo and David Baker, many of those I’m learning the most from are putting themselves on camera to tell their stories, present their knowledge and contribute solutions. Writer, traveler and entrepreneur Brian Clark is the founder of Copyblogger, the personal growth newsletter Further, and Unemployable, a resource providing smart strategies for freelancers and entrepreneurs. Follow the link above to hear Brian’s podcast, “How to produce successful virtual events.”

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