Promo video primer: 30 first-class examples

Back in 2014, a story from Chris Trimble appeared in the Guardian proclaiming video as the future of content marketing, with this dire warning: “small businesses who ignore it do so at their peril.” Since then, video usage has continued to climb, and more and more people and businesses are trying to engage, entertain and educate us with their on-screen storytelling. Bearing this in mind, I’m very happy to share some of the videos I’ve collected working alongside some phenomenal storytellers.

For your reference and enlightenment, I have chosen 10 examples apiece for three well-established niches of corporate communications. While most of these videos were designed for business audiences, each is artistic enough to appeal to just about everyone.

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Killer reels: Juniper Jones

Brief Banner Film from the creative force, Juniper Jones.

Based in DUMBO on Brooklyn’s waterfront, Juniper Jones is the creative force dedicated to creating custom-tailored solutions.

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12.12.12: The Concert For Sandy Relief

Around here, we are already super-excited about Dec. 12, 2012, for many reasons. First, it is our son Riley’s ninth birthday — but also, it’s the date that The Concert For Sandy Relief will be broadcast to over one billion people worldwide. The concert event will air on 34 US networks and television feeds worldwide, in addition to streaming online and on the radio.

Read more12.12.12: The Concert For Sandy Relief