In-depth PR case study materials follow. Last Updated 14 November 2024
Design Competitions from Fast Company, Core77, Creativepool, and Communication Arts
Several very prestigious design awards programs are currently open for entries – I thought you would appreciate the heads-up and some brief details, which I am presenting in order of the currently published submission deadlines. Best of luck, friends!
Read moreDesign Competitions from Fast Company, Core77, Creativepool, and Communication Arts
Sarofsky Labs are back!
Chicago-based one-stop cross-media production company Sarofsky is opening its doors and inviting the world-at-large to take part in a series of educational opportunities. The ongoing workshop series is entitled Sarofsky Labs.
Company principal, creative director and director Erin Sarofsky, explains her reasons for lighting this fuse: “After speaking at global creative conferences including FITC, F5, DesignThinkers, the AIGA National Design Conference and OFFF, I realized that engaging in the community is just as important to the field as doing the work. What better way to do that than by opening up our studio and inviting talented people in for a workshop? It’s intimate, personal, and offers invaluable working experience inside our world.”
MODE Studios Visual Timeline and PR Case Study
Promo video primer: 30 first-class examples
Back in 2014, a story from Chris Trimble appeared in the Guardian proclaiming video as the future of content marketing, with this dire warning: “small businesses who ignore it do so at their peril.” Since then, video usage has continued to climb, and more and more people and businesses are trying to engage, entertain and educate us with their on-screen storytelling. Bearing this in mind, I’m very happy to share some of the videos I’ve collected working alongside some phenomenal storytellers.
For your reference and enlightenment, I have chosen 10 examples apiece for three well-established niches of corporate communications. While most of these videos were designed for business audiences, each is artistic enough to appeal to just about everyone.
Case Study: Leviathan
Leviathan’s Reputation Soars Worldwide as Specialized Creative Agency Reinventing Design, Digital Media, and Interaction
Close Cooperation Between Management, Reps and DWA Maximized Stellar Opportunities, Positioned Company as Legitimate Rockstar
See also: Visual Timeline & PR Case Study
A key component of cross-discipline design and innovation consultancy Envoy Group, Leviathan is a specialized creative agency working at the nexus of design, digital media, and interaction. By bringing phenomenal narrative content and emerging technologies into physical environments, Leviathan transforms ideas into exceptional experiences for brands and creative collaborators worldwide. Established in 2010, Leviathan’s innovation has been recognized by top-tier publications including Communication Arts, The Creators Project, Fast Company, Forbes, The Verge, Vox and Wired, among many others.
Killer reels: Juniper Jones
Visual timeline and PR case study: Luci Creative
In-depth PR case study materials follow. Last Updated 23 July 2018
Best-Case Scenario: 2014 Blossom Launch, Powered by ENVOY
This case study appears in Roger Darnell’s book, The Communications Consultant’s Foundation.
Based in Irvine, California, the principals of the hybrid creative agency ENVOY have built their company very thoughtfully, aiming to partner with bold leaders to make experiences and products that define the future. By focusing on the convergence of design and technology, and even being willing to invest capital, expertise and services, the agency has chosen to engage with a growing list of innovative startups, in addition to its roster of well established companies.
When we think about startups, we might imagine one or two impassioned individuals burning the midnight oil together in a garage or an attic, dreaming about taking their side gig full-time. This is a story about the other kind – where very savvy professionals who have achieved major success in the past join forces on a relatively sure thing. Meet Blossom, a company that set out to create a smart water controller that would cut utility bills and save water.
Read moreBest-Case Scenario: 2014 Blossom Launch, Powered by ENVOY
Marketing Imperatives: Center Everything Around Your PR Strategy
I have a longstanding working relationship with a CEO who recently changed jobs. Coming into his new company, he told me that his mantra was this: He intended to center every marketing initiative around PR strategy. In virtually every industry, I’m seeing many wise marketing industry leaders endorsing this idea. Another prominent example from the past several years comes from Jason Harris of San Francisco- and NYC-based Mekanism, where in an interview with, he described his agency’s framework for creating shareable content.
“Our approach is to always think about the PR headline. Why will the idea, content, innovation, etc., travel? Why will people care, and why will they want to talk about it and share it? If there is no PR headline, the idea won’t be shareable. That is our goal on every project.”
The video I’m embedding with this article perfectly demonstrates the increasing focus on PR, presenting the 47-minute “Content & Storytelling: Is the PR Landscape Shifting?” session from the 2014 CDO Summit in NYC.
Read moreMarketing Imperatives: Center Everything Around Your PR Strategy