The Children’s Playhouse was launched ten years ago by a group of local citizens in Boone, North Carolina, who wanted an enriching play environment for children from birth to age eight that at the same time offered parents and caregivers friendly support in the important job of raising children. Ann Kiefert, Kathy Parham, Cathy Riggs, Heidi Campbell and my wife Beth Darnell were all members of the founding board. Under Kathy’s leadership, The Playhouse has not only become a widely renowned creative play space for families, it has also become a very powerful force for community goodness.
This past weekend, The Playhouse held its fourth annual Great Friend to Families Awards reception. Launched by Kathy and her forward-looking board members in 2009, this event has honored dozens of Hometown Heroes for their sustained contributions to the well-being of young children and families in our area. Proceeds from this annual event help support The Playhouse and ensure the facility remains accessible to families who might not otherwise be able to use its services.