Sharing secrets: Ford’s Scott Monty

Back in September, new media industry thought leader and author Brian Solis launched (R)evolution, a new series of video interviews presenting the people, trends, and ideas defining the future of business, marketing, and media. Last week, he released this very informative video where he interviewed Scott Monty, Ford’s head of social media. To learn more … Read moreSharing secrets: Ford’s Scott Monty

Inspiring new book on the upside of resistance

Today marks the worldwide release of an amazing new book from Union Square Press, written by Steve Crawshaw and John Jackson, with a foreward from the internationally renowned human rights champion Vaclav Havel. The book is entitled Small Acts of Resistance: How Courage, Tenacity, and Ingenuity Can Change the World.

I met John Jackson through the spectacular MTV Burma Viral project from Carl Le Blond, Ogilvy Amsterdam, and Shilo. Earlier today, he reported that BBC’s world affairs editor John Simpson had highlighted the new book in his story today on Liu Xiaobo winning the 2010 Nobel Prize, writing,

“John Simpson has highlighted beautifully how Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo is linked to so many others in history and today, who live in truth and resist injustice… the very people whose stories our book aims to celebrate.”

Read moreInspiring new book on the upside of resistance

Join Jamie Oliver’s food revolution

In the video above, first broadcast on August 2, celebrity and humanitarian Jamie Oliver introduces the OpenIDEO Challenge currently underway at There, Jamie, design and innovation consultancy IDEO, and many other prominent organizations are pooling their resources to address the best ideas we can provide to promote the benefits of fresh food to kids, so that they’ll be able to make better choices. Below, I’m also sharing Jamie’s inspirational TED Talk from earlier this year, where his passions for encouraging people to change their lifestyles and diets for the better, earned him a TED Prize.

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Ralph plays with Number Four

Last week, Penguin Books UK released the sensational new thriller “I Am Number Four,” the first release in a trailblazing new science fiction series, The Lorien Legacies. Together with Penguin, the principals of digital creative agency Ralph proudly announced the launch of “The Legacy Test” online at

Case Study: Scion + ATTIK – “United By Individuality”

In 2008, global creative agency ATTIK and Scion launched the “United By Individuality” branding campaign. The agency recently produced this case study encapsulation above.

Earth Day 2010 and beyond… onward and upward!

Huge thanks to Earth Day LA’s Jim Stewart, Ph.D., for these insights for continuing to make positive impacts through our day-to-day activities… and to my inspirational buddy Kacy Palmieri, who has worked with Earth Day LA for the past several years, for passing along Jim’s sage advice.

Read moreEarth Day 2010 and beyond… onward and upward!

Adventures in Expeditionary Learning

Our children are students at Two Rivers Community School (TRCS), a North Carolina public charter school. Established only five years ago, to our eyes, this innovative, ambitious academic experiment has already delivered many amazing results. At TRCS, our kids and some 250 others are enjoying a rare learning curriculum uniquely integrating a pioneering expeditionary learning approach with advanced brain-compatible instructional strategies also known as educational kinesiology or Brain Gym.

Focused on teamwork, community and the pursuit of shared academic and character-improvement goals, TRCS students and faculty-members are contributing to society by learning more everyday about the world, their community and themselves as individuals. Despite the excellence in faculty and curriculum development,

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Moving forward: World Water Day 2010

In honor of World Water Day, it’s my pleasure to share this video that takes a hard look at the bottled water industry and proposes some simple and powerful alternative ideas that can greatly impact the Earth, our communities, and our pocketbooks.

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The power of dreams…

At an early age, I decided I was going to be a writer. Somewhere along the way, I also took a strong interest in filmmaking, and being very ambitious, by the time I was 20 years old, I developed a clear vision of myself as novelist and filmmaker. While I have made great strides on achieving those dreams over the years, I must admit that I have a long way to go in seeing them through; nonetheless, those dreams have driven me into situations that I never would have imagined, and while I’ve not yet fully accomplished those missions, I feel very fortunate to have progressed as far as I have.

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Much love to and from The Children’s Playhouse

A creative play space for families, and a powerful force for community goodness in Boone, North Carolina, USA

After helping my wife Beth Darnell, and her sister Ann Kiefert, their comrade Kathy Parham, and many others from our then-new hometown of Boone, North Carolina, open The Children’s Playhouse in November of 2002, I am very proud to see how Kathy has led the venture in countless ways which continue adding precious dimensions to our community. The video featured here was produced by our friend Beth Jacquot in 2003, and much has happened since then. I invite you to visit the official site and explore the Facebook group, and I also wanted to share news from a recent event that reveals a lot about our community, and Kathy.

Read moreMuch love to and from The Children’s Playhouse