Last month, Adult Swim aired “Let’s Do This!” — a new live-action comedy pilot created and produced by Bob Odenkirk, Brian Jarvis and Jim Freeman. Among many well-known comedic talents, the show stars Odenkirk as Cal McKenzie-Goldberg, who runs independent movie studio Cal-Gold Pictures from a strip mall in North Hollywood, USA. In the show’s pilot, Cal is contracted by a drug lord in Uganda to make a wizard movie, with hilarious results. By visiting this link, you can watch – and even embed – the entire show.
Social Networking
idnworld, Hong Kong
IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. An active organiser of sensational design-related events, it is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It … Read moreidnworld, Hong Kong
Sharing secrets: Protein audience survey 2012
Each year Protein Networks surveys its global publication network of 18-35-year-old cultural innovators and influencers, asking what makes them tick, how they live their lives, and what they expect from their favorite brands. The results appear in the 90-page Protein Audience Survey 2012 report, a must-have resource for brands wanting to understand the behavior of … Read moreSharing secrets: Protein audience survey 2012 amazementariness from Barkley, Thornberg and Forester
Last year, advertising agency Barkley ( collaborated with design and production company Thornberg & Forester (T&F) to create five theatrical spots for Dice (, the career hub for tech. As you can see in the YouTube Playlist embedded above, they all use a very distinctive creative and storytelling style to appeal to their audience. When … Read amazementariness from Barkley, Thornberg and Forester
Successful kickstart for MIND ZONE
Last November, I received a request from my friend Christopher Cowen, who is VP of original programming for Herzog & Company, asking me to consider taking-part in a Kickstarter for his latest documentary film project. He wrote: “The film is called MIND ZONE: THERAPISTS BEHIND THE FRONT LINES and it’s the story of the U.S. … Read moreSuccessful kickstart for MIND ZONE
Stepping on stage
I’ve never pictured myself performing in front of a live audience. After all, I’m not an actor, musician, or lecturer (not yet anyway). However, last week in Nashville, my perspective was turned on its head. In this case, the stage was the Frist Center and the performers (if I can call them that) were two authors focused on creative service firms, David C. Baker and Blair Enns. They spoke of the dynamics of successful relationships between firms and their clients or prospects. Most importantly, when initiating new business.
2012 ReCourses New Business Summit
On January 25-27, I had the pleasure of joining nearly 100 other professionals representing dozens of creative services firms in Nashville to attend the 2012 ReCourses New Business Summit (NBS). Hosted by ReCourses principal David C. Baker, and Blair Enns of Win Without Pitching, the event’s subtitle reads, “Using Your Positioning for More Reward, Impact, Control, and Fun.”
When it was all over, I asked many of my fellow attendees to provide two words that best describe their takeaways from the event, and the word cloud embedded above reflects their input. For anyone who has not spoken with me or others about our remarkable experiences at the summit, this provides quick insight into its powerful impact.For a bit more background,
Super Bowls past and present
On February 5th, I’m hoping for a well-matched battle between the Patriots and Giants, and I’ll also be watching for the first-ever Super Bowl spot for Lexus, which is one part of a multifaceted campaign effort produced by my clients at ATTIK. ATTIK’s work has made high-profile Super Bowl splashes in the past, to include … Read moreSuper Bowls past and present
One amazing night in San Francisco
Thanks to the SF Egotist, you can be a fly on the wall throughout all 10 episodes, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn from some of the top minds in one of the world’s most creative cities.
Business and brand strategy alignment
For his recent post entitled “The Death of Branding and the Scam of Storytelling,” ghostwriter and author Jeff Haden reached out to the illustrious David C. Baker. David is the head of ReCourses, which provides consulting services and educational events for marketing firms. In Jeff’s story, David says a lot about branding and storytelling, including this.
“Alignment is simply telling the truth: To your customers, to your employees, and to yourself. When you do that everything else falls into place. Then your brand makes sense and the stories you tell support your brand — because your brand is you.”
Personally, I have long admired the dedication of my clients at global creative agency ATTIK focusing in on these critical areas of business. I believe their work for Perkins+Will featured above is a solid example of David’s ideas at work. I hope he agrees with me.
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