Experience the 2021 World Wildlife Day Film Showcase on 3 March

DWA principal Roger Darnell had the great honor of serving as a judge for the 2021 World Wildlife Day Film Showcase: Forests. “It is a wonderful feeling,” he said, “knowing that so many gifted storytellers and supporting organizations are dedicated to informing and educating the world on the importance of forests and conservation.”

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Famous Images: Street Level Photography 2020

Street Level Photography was born as a community of photography enthusiasts, with particular interest in street photography. On its popular YouTube channel, you will find various contents: Top Selection photo galleries; reviews of books and photographic products; video tutorials to improve photographic techniques; chronicles of photographic travel experiences, and much more. All these themes are fully explored through the common lens and language of photography.

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Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, Thanks for the Octopus Documentary

As you may know, I have a few side-hustles that sometimes play into The Darnell Works Agency’s flow. For example, my original, experimental travel series “Rare Air” draws together my favorite pastimes to immerse viewers in spectacular natural settings. So far in life, these industrious filmmaking adventures have taught me an awful lot about what it takes to create quality entertainment. My education continues.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been deeply inspired by nature documentaries. Today, there are a number of series I tune into regularly to feed my interest. Forging ahead with “Rare Air,” I am now seeing some exciting new dimensions opening up. According to plans made over the past several months, the very next episode will share one of two momentous encounters I’ve ever had with an octopus. For the record, both felt very special.

A few weeks ago, while thinking about sharing that ultra-unique remembrance with others, I was startled to log into Netflix and see promotions for an award-winning documentary entitled “My Octopus Teacher.” Directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed, the story spans a year in the life of acclaimed director, cinematographer and producer Craig Foster, in which he makes an amazing personal connection with an octopus.

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Promo video primer: 30 first-class examples

Back in 2014, a story from Chris Trimble appeared in the Guardian proclaiming video as the future of content marketing, with this dire warning: “small businesses who ignore it do so at their peril.” Since then, video usage has continued to climb, and more and more people and businesses are trying to engage, entertain and educate us with their on-screen storytelling. Bearing this in mind, I’m very happy to share some of the videos I’ve collected working alongside some phenomenal storytellers.

For your reference and enlightenment, I have chosen 10 examples apiece for three well-established niches of corporate communications. While most of these videos were designed for business audiences, each is artistic enough to appeal to just about everyone.

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Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive Marcom Tips, Week of 27 April

Being an excellent communications consultant is highly demanding. On top of all the other diligence and expertise, sustaining professional development is challenging – but also, very rewarding. This mindset introduces wisdom from those who have learned to excel through lifelong learning – and mindful sharing. I encourage you to catch this week’s free webinar, “How to Make Better Decisions” from the illustrious Elise Mitchell, and analyze the latest output from her accomplished peers.

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Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive Marcom Tips, Week of 20 April

I learned a lot in the course of writing my new book, which teaches others the essentials of communications consulting. One key lesson was driven home by OpenText, a company that defines a business of the future as one dedicated to the Continuous Connected Customer Journey. Salesforce.com is equally adamant about us all needing to prioritize happy customers (see http://sforce.co/2fHn7x7). Bear these successful ventures’ well advised handling notes in mind as you review the following.

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Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive MarCom Tips, Week of 13 April

I’ve written a book over the past few years, aiming to teach others to be highly skilled communications consultants, capable of making invaluable contributions to those they serve, with the ability to live, work and thrive almost anywhere. Thankfully, that research and writing has fortified my job qualifications; suddenly, being successful is infinitely more challenging. Regardless of our experience and skill levels, right now, we all need leaders we can trust to help ground our thoughts and guide our actions.

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Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive MarCom Tips, Week of 6 April

During my weekend reading, I had an opportunity to consider what happened during The Great Depression – and its permanent effects on those who endured it – alongside the current pandemic.

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Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive MarCom Tips, Week of 30 March

A month ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Deputy News Media Branch Chief Benjamin Haynes issued his COVID-19 briefing update, reporting on the “very few cases” of Corona Virus in the U.S., and “no community spread.” Mr. Haynes also seized the moment to inform us of impending disruptions to our lives. Today, with most of us ordered to #StayAtHome, the number of domestic reported cases will soon exceed 123,000.

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Case Study: Leviathan

Leviathan’s Reputation Soars Worldwide as Specialized Creative Agency Reinventing Design, Digital Media, and Interaction

Close Cooperation Between Management, Reps and DWA Maximized Stellar Opportunities, Positioned Company as Legitimate Rockstar
See also: Visual Timeline & PR Case Study

A key component of cross-discipline design and innovation consultancy Envoy Group, Leviathan is a specialized creative agency working at the nexus of design, digital media, and interaction. By bringing phenomenal narrative content and emerging technologies into physical environments, Leviathan transforms ideas into exceptional experiences for brands and creative collaborators worldwide. Established in 2010, Leviathan’s innovation has been recognized by top-tier publications including Communication Arts, The Creators Project, Fast Company, Forbes, The Verge, Vox and Wired, among many others.

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